By Mike Bowen
co-author, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site
Lee Hawes, the executive producer and host for a TV show, Classic Hunts in the American Outback, contacted Chuck Bowen in 2006 about doing a feature on Chuck and Sheri’s Sand Creek discovery for his show. It was an old-time hunting show using black powder firearms, old traditions, and sharing history with its viewers. The episode aired on the Sportsman Channel.

Hawes visited the Lost Sand Creek Site in June 2006 for filming. The weather made the first part of filming difficult, but footage was still captured for the episode.
“The wind is just blowing outrageous, and that made it really difficult for trying to get what we want to get done here. I think you can still see all the things we want you to see on this creek bottom where all the artifacts were found. Chuck and Sheri Bowen and I are standing in front of this great big old cottonwood tree that was called a witness tree because it’s so old… It would have been here at the time,” Hawes said.
In the video Chuck shows Lee a tipi site, explains how the cannons worked and gave him other information about the Sand Creek event. Check it out in the video.
The research and discovery date back to the mid 1990s. No one else has spent as much time researching Sand Creek and searching for artifacts than Chuck and Sheri.
It’s an incredible story how they got involved—and even more incredible how they started finding artifacts. They have found thousands of 1864 period pieces that could only be from the Sand Creek event. What they found not only provides clarity on where the events happened but what happened. How does that change the story?
You can learn more about us, our Sand Creek discovery and book on this website.
Check out photos of artifacts here:
There are over 100 photos of photos and maps in our book, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site.
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