Mike Bowen, co-author, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site, reads from Morse Coffin’s book, The Battle of Sand Creek. The book was originally published as letters Coffin wrote to the Colorado Sun newspaper in 1879. He was one of the first to write about Sand Creek.
Watch the video below to learn what Morse Coffin wrote about his experience fighting at Sand Creek.
Read about Morse and other soldiers that fought at Sand Creek in our book, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site. Our book details the discovery of the real location of Black Kettle’s village and running battle areas, based on over 4,000 battle and village artifacts and eyewitness accounts from soldiers and Cheyenne warrior, George Bent. There are over 100 photos of artifacts and maps in the book that detail what artifacts were found and where.
Click the Buy the Book tab in the top right of the page.
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