Chuck Bowen, Joe, Joey, Bailey and Tim metal detected at the 1865 Dubois (Eureka) Station on the Smoky Hill Trail at Sand Creek at the Bowen Meadow Ranch on Friday, May 24.
Make sure to watch the video to see what they found.
Chuck and Sheri Bowen found well over 4,000 period Sand Creek 1864 artifacts on the Bowen ranch. You can learn about this incredible discovery on this website. Click on Blog at the top of any page. There is also an Artifact tab at the top of any page.
There are over 100 photos of artifacts and maps detailing many artifacts Chuck and Sheri found in our book, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site.
Check out the video below. Just click on it to watch.
You can also support keeping history alive by picking up a copy of We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site. The truth about Sand Creek needs to be known and needs to be shared. The Lost Sand Creek Site discovery doesn’t simply change the location, it changes the traditional massacre story. That false story was originally used as a political weapon to destroy Colonel Chivington. It is now used to destroy Patriotism. The artifacts truly set the record straight.
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