By Mike Bowen
Co-author, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site
Chuck Bowen and Joe Harbert metal detected along Sand Creek at the Bowen Meadow Ranch Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

Check out the video to see the cool finds. Items found at Sand Creek can range by era. The same place they find bullets, they at times also find wire or nails. However, some nails can be period of the 1864 Sand Creek battle. Square nails are a sure sign they are in the right area to be finding period artifacts. For example, square nails could be from annuity crates the Indians received.
Every artifact, whether it is period or not, is an individual dig. You can see from the photo below about how many digs were made. It takes a lot of hunting and digging to find period artifacts since life on what is now the Bowen ranch has continued since 1864. German immigrants traveled through the area in 1870, and there was buffalo hunt near Kit Carson in 1872 to entertain Grand Duke Alexis of Russia. It is possible they traveled to what is now the Bowen Meadow Ranch in Cheyenne County. There has also been ranching activity there since the homestead days.

Joe has been metal detecting with Chuck at Sand Creek for over 20 years. They have found thousands of period artifacts. You can read about Joe’s experience in chapter 10 of our book, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site.
You can see Joe share about one of the most important artifacts found at the site: Go to the 41:49 minute mark to see the part with Joe.
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