
The Bonsall Map: Bowens’ Rosetta Stone for the Lost Sand Creek Site Discovery

By Mike Bowen, co-author, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site 

Make sure to watch the video below.

The Lt. Bonsall map was the Rosetta Stone for Chuck and Sheri Bowen’s Lost Sand Creek site discovery. This map documents a place where three trails split off, called Three Forks, a very important landmark for documenting Sand Creek. 

Lt. Bonsall went to the Sand Creek battle location in 1868, nearly four years after the event and measured the distance of the village. There would still be burned tipi remains that would help him determine the length of the of the village. 

This map corroborates the Bowens’ discovery and their discovery corroborates the map.

Check out the video to see where Black Kettle’s village on Sand Creek was located compared to where Bowens found battle and village artifacts. 

Just click on the video to watch it. The video was recorded in 2016. The sign shown at the end was filmed June 2024.

No period artifacts have been found below the National Park Service Sand Creek site bluff as the massacre story says that is where the Indians were camped and attacked by the soldiers. 

No bullets, no battlefield. No village artifacts, no village. 

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Learn more about the Lost Sand Creek location discovery made by Chuck and Sheri Bowen by browsing this website. Be sure to pick up our book, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site

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